
Sing Sing Music Hall

Sing Sing Music Hall

Information 6720 Szeged, Mars tér C pavilon E-mail: sing@sing.hu https://singsingszeged.hu https://www.facebook.com/SingSingSzeged

Tisza Dokk Yacht Club

Tisza Dokk Yacht Club

Information 6721 Szeged, Huszár Mátyás Rakpart (úszóház) +36-30/974-0400 E-mail: hello@tiszadokk.hu info@allinparty.hu https://tiszadokk.hu/ https://www.facebook.com/TiszaDOKK

Retro Club

Retro Club

Information Opening hours: Monday – Tuesday: CLOSED Wednesday: 23:00-05:00 Thursday: CLOSED Friday – Satruday: 23:00-05:00 Sunday: CLOSED 6720 Szeged, Széchenyi tér 3. Tel.: +36-30/907-1949, +36-70/250-5161 E-mail: hello@retroklub.hu https://www.facebook.com/RetroKlub https://retroklub.hu/

MASZK Theatre Society

MASZK Theatre Society

Information Postal address: 6701 Szeged, Pf. 905. Office: Megálló közösségi ház, 6723 Szeged, Budapesti krt. 23. HQ: 6723 Szeged, Kockaház utca 4. 2/6. ALTERRA (Régi Zsinagóga): 6722 Szeged, Hajnóczy u. […]

Szeged City Rock Club

Szeged City Rock Club

Information 6720 Szeged , Stefánia sétány 6. Tel.: +36-62/658-769, +36-30/381-8282 info@vrk.hu http://vrk.hu https://www.facebook.com/VarosiRockKlubSzeged/?locale=hu_HU



Café, Pub, Bistro In the rush of everyday life, would you like to enjoy a nice coffee with a fresh croissant in a friendly environment? Would you like to share […]



Information 6724 Szeged, Dugonics tér 13. Tel.: +36-62/544-703 Email: jateklub@szte.hu www.jateklub.hu www.facebook.com/jateklub.hu/

Studio Theatre

Studio Theatre

Information 6720 Szeged, Horváth Mihály utca 3. +36 62/ 420 135 www.szinhaz.szeged.hu Tel.: +36-62/554-714, 554-715, 554-716 ticket@szinhaz.szeged.hu www.szinhaz.szeged.hu/jegyek THEATRE TICKET OFFICE Szeged, Stefánia 6. (opposite the entrance to the main […]

Belvárosi Cinema

Belvárosi Cinema

The Art Deco building of the Belvárosi Cinema was built in 1920 according to the plans of the architect Endre Sebestyén. Today it is the only cinema in the country […]

Grand Café Cinema and Café

Grand Café Cinema and Café

The Grand Café is not only a cinema, but also a café, as the name suggests, where you can always drink a delicious coffee, beer or wine before or after […]

Cinema City Szeged Plaza

Cinema City Szeged Plaza

Information 6724 Szeged, Kossuth Lajos sugárút 119. +36-80/800-800 www.cinemacity.hu

Open-Air Festival of Szeged

Open-Air Festival of Szeged

The idea was first proposed in 1926 by Gyula Juhász, a poet then living in Szeged. A number of renowned representatives of cultural and political life adopted the idea. The […]

Kövér Béla Puppet Theatre

Kövér Béla Puppet Theatre

This season our Puppet Theater has turned 75 years old. In 1946, an idea of entertain the audience with puppetry to forget the horrors of war was born. One of […]

Pince Theatre

Pince Theatre

Information 6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 2. Tel.: +36 30/ 606 7337 Tel.: +36 30/ 998 6172 pinceszinhaz@invitel.hu titkarsag.pincesz@invitel.hu www.szegedipinceszinhaz.hu

Szeged National Theatre

Szeged National Theatre

The theatre opened in 1883 is one of the most beautiful eclectic neo-baroque buildings of the town rebuilt from its ruins

NO. 1 Pub

NO. 1 Pub

Information Szeged’s newest café and entertainment venue was completed in November 2007 and opened to the public on 1 March 2008. Opening hours: Mon-Tue: 10.00-24.00 Wed-Thu:  10.00-2.00 Fri: 10.00-03.00 Sat: […]