Hét Café

Hét Café

Made from a classic Italian blend (Carraro Don Cortez 100% Arabica) and light roast, selected from the region, special coffees
Espresso-based and cold and hot filter technology coffee drinks
Top quality teas
All made with passion, care and a smile 🙂
So that drinking coffee is not a simple routine, but be a real experience.

Opening Hours:
Mo – Fri: 7.30 – 18.00
Sat: 9.00 – 13.00
Sun: Closed

 6720 Szeged, Horváth Mihály utca 7.


Phone: +36 30 721 0776

Facebook: www.facebook.com/hetkavezo
Virtual walk :www.facebook.com/hetkavezo/app_1601686600061000

E-mail: hetkavezo@gmail.com