Kálvária Confectionery

Kálvária Confectionery

Kálvária Cukrászda is one of the oldest confectioneries in Szeged. As a family business, we pay a lot of attention to our offer, which combines the famous traditions of Hungarian confectionery and the most modern foreign (Italian, Belgian and American) technology. Based on the well-proven recipes of our grandmothers, using the most modern professional techniques of the present age, we try to satisfy your needs with high-quality, selected ingredients, seasoned with the heart and soul of our employees. We offer a wide selection of sweet and savory cookies, cakes, slices of cake, ice creams and cakes. We also undertake the preparation of special cakes based on your ideas, such as cakes with photographs (decorated with an image of edible wafers), tiered or stand designs, for which we also provide stairs and fountains on request. Our cakes with different flavors, colors and shapes, whether decorated with marzipan or live flowers, are only limited by your imagination!


Opening Hours:

Mon-Sat: 7.00 – 18.00
Sun: 8.00 – 18.00

6725 Szeged, Kálvária tér 32.


Phone: (62) 443 884

E-mail: szegedrendeles@kalvariacukraszda.hu

Web: www.kalvariacukraszda.hu