Kálmán Guesthouse and Restaurant

The Kálmán Guesthouse located 1000 metres away from the downotwn, just a few minutes away from the train station.

Szeged, the City of Festivals 2020

The festival season in the heart of Szeged, in Széchenyi tér, starts at the second weekend of March.

Synagoge view loft Bestern

If you are looking to relax in a truly unique loft-style apartment in our city, with a view of ...

Old Bridge Restaurant

The restaurant with a pleasant atmosphere, is located at the foot of Belvárosi bridge, and is richly decorated with everyday objects that could belong to our grandmothers.

Sziksósfürdő Naturist Lido and Camping

The Sziksósfürdő Naturist Campsite and Beach welcomes You on its 5 acres of park area, found in immediate proximity of the lake!

Palma Guesthouse

Palma Guesthouse awaits its guests since 1993 in Szeged, the 'City of Sunshine'.

St. Demetrius Tower

Outside the Votive church stands the Saint Demetrius Tower, the oldest architectural relic of the city.

Saint Cafe & Wine

Saint Cafe, located on Szent István tér, next to the Old Lady, awaits its guests with a café ...