Cirmi Artisan Gastropub

In 2015, a new-wave gastropub with unique equipment was opened. It is characterized by freshly ...


Did you know that the Indians used hot peppers as tear gas and as a form of punishment? ...

Mátyás Panzió

Szegeden az Alsóvárosi Ferences Templom közelében, műemléki környezetben, csendes, nyugodt helyen található a megújult Mátyás Panzió.

Sightseeing by small train

A tour with the Sightseeing Small Train of Szeged with Hungarian, English and German pre-recorded audio guide (on request, with previous booking with a tourist guide).

Öreg Kőrössy Fish Restaurant

The menu of the restaurant, opened in 1930, includes fish soup, Kőrössy fish paprika, different grilled fish and noodles with cottage cheese.

The newest outdoor adventure game to play alone, in a couple, with a companion, with a dog, anytime. The missions take you to the best parts of the city. All you need to play is you and a mobile phone!

Art Apartment Szeged

Art Apartment Szeged is located on József Attila Avenue, in downtown Szeged. A 10-15 minute ...

SZIN – The Youth Festival of Szeged

Thousands of young people visit the summer-closing music festival which became a symbolic annual event in the town's life.

Klauzál Square

The value preserving reconstruction of Kárász Street and Klauzál Square was recognised with the Europe Nostra Award in 2004.

Sándor Koch Mineral Collection

The collection named after Professor Sándor Koch, a passionate researcher of mineralogy, and one-time head of the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology of the university in Szeged.

Old Synagogue

The nicely preserved monument built between 1837 and 843 was created by the Lipovszky brothers, Henrik and József.