Szeged Open-Air Festival 2024

Magical atmosphere, unforgettable experiences under the open sky, on the largest star-roofed stage in the country.

Szeged Plaza

The shopping centre – simply known to locals as "A Pláza".

Palma Superior Guesthouse

We opened the Superior building of our Palma Guesthouse in 2015, which is close to the city ...

Bohém Tanya

Bohém Tanya is a combination of a classical café and summer festival feeling with a busy club. Besides food and drink specialties, it serves homemade meals.

John Bull Pub

The restaurant evoking the atmosphere of the traditional Victorian age was opened in 1996 in the heart of the city. Besides following European traditions, it aims to keep up Hungarian traditions as well.

Pizza E Pasta

Restaurant and pizzeria with the true Italian athmosphere right in the heart of Szeged!

Schäffer Palace

The current sight of the Schäffer Palace confronts us indeed with how much Szeged’s cityscape ...

Dumpling Cottage Cheese Bar

If you ask anyone if they like cottage cheese dumplings, in nine cases out of ten the ...

Hotel Szent János****

Relax in this lovely hotel located in a quiet pedestrian area, just a few steps away from the zestful downtown locations.

Bicycle stores, repair shops

If a bicycle chain has fallen off, a brake doesn't work or a gear-lever gets stuck, a number of specialist and repair shops provide help in solving the larger or smaller problems of "wiredonkeys".