Klauzál Square

The value preserving reconstruction of Kárász Street and Klauzál Square was recognised with the Europe Nostra Award in 2004.

Diamante Apartman

The Diamante Apartment is located 10-15 minutes walk from the centre of Szeged, near the Szeged ...


Why did I choose Szeged? Because I'm impressed by its orderliness, its beautiful city centre, the refreshing Tisza riverbank, its cheerful atmosphere and the fact that the sun is always shining!

Öreg Kőrössy Fish Restaurant

The menu of the restaurant, opened in 1930, includes fish soup, Kőrössy fish paprika, different grilled fish and noodles with cottage cheese.

Brindza Guesthouse

Only a few minutes walking distance form the downtown, right next door to the railway station, the Brindza Guesthouse awaits its guest in a pieceful enviroment.

Water Tower in St. Steven Square

The tower, which can hold 1004,8 m3of water, was designed by Szilárd Zielinski.

Forza Italia Restaurant and Pizzeria

It awaits its guests with a Mediterranean style interior in Kálvária Sugárút, in the centre of Szeged.

Fehértói Fisherman’s Inn and Guesthouse

Fehértói Fisherman's Inn and Guesthouse has 26 double bedrroms and two suites.

Rahiv (Ukraine)

Agreement signed first in 1939, then in 1997.