Reök Palace

The architect Ede Magyar was thirty in 1907, when he constructed Reök Palace, an exemplary piece of Hungarian secession.

The Pantry of Szeged – the Market in Mars Square

This market has been receiving visitors for several decades, offering them the opportunity to not only purchase quality food but also to get acquainted with the habits and everyday life of the inhabitants of Szeged.

Liége (Belgium)

Agreement signed in 2001.

Partfürdő Riverside Campground and Beach

Szeged’s popular riverside beach can be found in Újszeged, 10-minute walk from the city center.

Lechner square

It is a spacious, grassy square among low buildings, with the Saint Rosalie Greek Catholic chapel ...

Móricz House

The secessionist style, four-storey historic building stands on the southern side of Saint Steven Square.

Szeged, the City of Festivals 2020

The festival season in the heart of Szeged, in Széchenyi tér, starts at the second weekend of March.

Famous- American & Street Food

Taste America! Do you want a real gastronomic experience, or are you in a hurry and would ...

Classic Café & Restaurant

Situated in Széchenyi tér, in the centre of Szeged, the restaurant has been serving the masterpieces of Serbian cuisine since 1998, using high-quality ingredients.