Napfényfürdő Aquapolis Szeged

The four-season 'water-city' awaits its visitors with a water surface of 4,400 m2 and the longest waterslide working all year round in Europe. The bath complex offers entertainment for all age groups. The main attractions of the facility opened in 2010 are the 223 and 272 meter long giant tube slides starting from a 30 meter high tower accessible with lifts.

Dugonics Square

The square was named after the piarist priest and teacher András Dugonics, the writer of the first Hungarian novel (Etelka, 1788).

Kata Guesthouse

In the downotwn of Szeged, a luxury guesthouse awaits it's guests.

Synagoge view loft Bestern

If you are looking to relax in a truly unique loft-style apartment in our city, with a view of ...

Toledo (Ohio, USA)

Agreement signed in 1990.

Local transportation

Szeged has a developed and well-organised public transport infrastructure with two public transport providers.

Dumpling Cottage Cheese Bar

If you ask anyone if they like cottage cheese dumplings, in nine cases out of ten the ...

Ultralux Magnolia city center Bestern

We welcome our guests in this apartment with two separate bedrooms, which is located in the ...

Attila József Education and Information Centre

The education and congress centre of the University of Szeged.