Anna Bath

Anna Bath

The white-walled eclectic style building in Tisza Lajos Boulevard, reflecting Oriental effects, designed by Antal Steinhardt and Adolf Lang, was built in 1896. Originally it functioned as a city public bath. It took its name from the nearby artesian well drilled in 1927 and its water. The medicinal water was first bottled by Dezső Patzauer. The name of the bath makes us remember his daughter, Anna. The water can be used for digestive problems, applied as a drinking cure, the people of Szeged regularly take it home from Anna Well. The bath awaits visitors with medical treatments, wellness services, as well as offering relaxation on the occasions of night bathings.


Opening hours:

Monday-Friday: 6:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. (entrance through medicine until 12:00, then through the main entrance)
Saturday-Sunday: 7.00-19.00

Monday-Friday: 12.00-20.00
Saturday-Sunday: 7.00-19.00

Night bath (the thermal and wellness sections can also be used)
Wednesday and Friday: 20.30-24.00

6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos körút 24.
Phone: +36-62/553-333
Web: Anna Fürdő