Szeged Plaza
The shopping centre – simply known to locals as “A Pláza”.
The shopping centre – simply known to locals as “A Pláza”.
This market has been receiving visitors for several decades, offering them the opportunity to not only purchase quality food but also to get acquainted with the habits and everyday life of the inhabitants of Szeged.
HAZAVARÁZS – Hungarian souvenirs 6720 Szeged, Feketesas u. 14. Phone: +36-62/214-217 E-mail: Facebook oldal NÉPMŰVÉSZETI BOLT – Hungarian souvenirs 6720 Szeged, Somogyi utca 17. Phone: +36-62/423-029 Web:…
Kárpátia Borház is a national policy enterprise that helps the Hungarian wine regions of the Carpathian Basin – Uplands, Burgenland, Transcarpathia, Partium, Transylvania and Southland – placing them on the…
Farmers and Craft Market awaits those interested on every second Sunday of each month.
ÁRKÁD Szeged Shopping Centre increases the charm of the city of Szeged.