
Anna Bath

Anna Bath

The white-walled eclectic style building in Tisza Lajos Boulevard, reflecting Oriental effects, designed by Antal Steinhardt and Adolf Lang, was built in 1896. Originally it functioned as a city public bath. It took its name from the nearby artesian well drilled in 1927 and its water.

Partfürdő Riverside Campground and Beach

Partfürdő Riverside Campground and Beach

Szeged’s popular riverside beach can be found in Újszeged, 10-minute walk from the city center.

Napfényfürdő Aquapolis Szeged

Napfényfürdő Aquapolis Szeged

The four-season ‘water-city’ awaits its visitors with a water surface of 4,400 m2 and the longest waterslide working all year round in Europe. The bath complex offers entertainment for all age groups. The main attractions of the facility opened in 2010 are the 223 and 272 meter long giant tube slides starting from a 30 meter high tower accessible with lifts.

Sport Swimming Pool

Sport Swimming Pool

The Sport Swimming Pool is located on the Újszeged district of the town, it’s easily accessable with a ten-minutes walk from the downtown. The 50 m pool is open-air in summer time and topped throughout the winter. It provides a training and competitive area for various sports clubs.
Everey day of the week the pool is opened for evening swimming.

Sziksósfürdő Lido and Campsite

Sziksósfürdő Lido and Campsite

There is a campsite for 700 people in the common area with a beach bath, with suitable service facilities for those arriving by tent and caravan. We can provide accommodation […]



Szeged legújabb uszodája, a Tiszavirág Sportuszoda fedett, akadálymentesített épülete télen-nyáron várja a sportolni vágyókat. 50 méteres versenymedencéjével, tanmedencéjével, bemelegítő medencéjével, valamint külső-belső lazító ülőmedencéjével számos klub, egyesület sportolójának biztosít edzési […]