Fehértói Fish Restaurant and Hotel

Fehértói Fish Restaurant and Hotel


The building complex is suitable for the catering in all forms, be it a business lunch, a discreet dinner, prom or wedding party.

On the menu, of course, the fish is the main raw material, but the other food lovers have a rich assortment, too. The menu contains typical dishes of  the Hungarian kitchen, for examlpe goose, venison or beef.

The restaurant is a pleasant resting place for groups who travel to the Balkan, with a cultured, spacious car park for cars and busses.


Opening hours: 0-24

Address: 6728 Szeged, Budapesti út 41.
Tel.: +36-62/555-960, +36-30/670-8550
Web: www.fehertoihalaszcsarda.hu

Number of rooms/beds: 28/105