Parks, Squares, Gardens, Rivers 20 results
  • Szent György square

    Szent György tér (Saint George Square) at József Attila Avenue, received its name after an old ...
  • The River Tisza

    The river Tisza is the longest river in Hungary, it has its source in the Eastern Carpathians and it meets the Danube flowing through Serbia.
  • Széchenyi Square

    The western walls of the castle built on the bank of the River Tisza in the 13th century were situated in the present Széchenyi Square...
  • Maros backwater

    The maros backwater was separated from the bend of river Maros in 1860 as part id the river-contolling operation. Now it is a more that 4 km long oxbow with a width of 10-15 m.
  • Dugonics Square

    The square was named after the piarist priest and teacher András Dugonics, the writer of the first Hungarian novel (Etelka, 1788).
  • Stefánia

    You can see the remnants of the gate Maria Teresia of the former castle behind the museum.
  • Roosevelt tér

    In the XX. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Makai Market was held on Roosevelt Square, ...
  • Botanical Garden

    When the University of Kolozsvár moved to Szeged in 1922, the city donated a land of 20 kh to it to establish a botanical garden.