Szálka Fish Soap Restaurant and Event House

Our kitchen Szeged's newest Halázscsárda is located in the iconic Tisza Gyöngye building, the ...

Béla Rerrich Square

The square was named after the designer of the building complex in Dóm Square, the first remarkable figure in Hungarian landscape architecture.

Pula (Croatia)

Agreement signed in 2003.

Votive Church

After the Great Flood (1879) destroying the city, the people of Szeged made an oath to build a majestic catholic church.

Art Nouveau attractions in Szeged

The present image of Szeged is defined by the constructions after the Great Flood in 1879, which ...

Indóház Square

Indóház square is one of the gates of Szeged, as most of the visitors who come to the city by ...

Franciscan Visitor Centre in Alsóváros

Situated in Alsóváros, Szeged, the monastery and the church together form Hungary's second largest church complex, keeping its original function.

Deutsch Palace

It was designed by Mihály Erdélyi with majolica ornaments in green, blue and orange and built between 1900 and 1902.

Sándor Koch Mineral Collection

The collection named after Professor Sándor Koch, a passionate researcher of mineralogy, and one-time head of the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology of the university in Szeged.

Teke & Bowling Centrum and Sport Motel

Relax and regenerate at the motel of the bowling centre of Szeged.

Christina Guesthouse

Szeged, Hajnal u. 5.   +36- 70/625-3160 Prices:   ...