Lapin Bleu

  From Thursday to Sunday, 8am to 3pm, those who love butter, the atmosphere of a ...

Play houses

Játékdzsungel Játszóház Our renovated Playhouse offers new services for children. Among ...


As for Mórahalom... A guest in the house is a pleasure in the house - so the saying goes. We, ...

Öreg Kőrössy Fish Restaurant

The menu of the restaurant, opened in 1930, includes fish soup, Kőrössy fish paprika, different grilled fish and noodles with cottage cheese.

Zsupsz Cafe

Real Italian coffee, specialty quality! In addition to our high-quality drinks, we are waiting ...

Tündérkonyha Restaurant

  The restaurant was opened in February 2007 in the heart of Szeged, on the site of the ...

Romantic riverview Bestern

Classic bourgeois apartment overlooking the Tisza, where modernity and soft elegance combine! ...