See you in Szeged again!

After the Great Flood in Szeged, Franz Josef said: "Szeged will be more beautiful than it used to be" – the quote can be read on one of the stained glass windows of the City Hall. In recent days and weeks, Szeged has started to regain its Mediterranean atmosphere. More and more people are beginning to visit the terraces of restaurants and confectioneries operating in our eye-catching downtown mansions.

Mátyás Panzió

Szegeden az Alsóvárosi Ferences Templom közelében, műemléki környezetben, csendes, nyugodt helyen található a megújult Mátyás Panzió.


Szeged can be reached by road, rail, water as well as air.

Gutenberg Apartment

The Gutenberg Apartment is located in one of the most refurbished streets of the city center, ...

Old Bridge Restaurant

The restaurant with a pleasant atmosphere, is located at the foot of Belvárosi bridge, and is richly decorated with everyday objects that could belong to our grandmothers.

Vanilla Bistro Szeged

  The Vanilla Bistro in the centre of Szeged awaits you with delicious food, special ...

Attila József Education and Information Centre

The education and congress centre of the University of Szeged.

Zsupsz Cafe

Real Italian coffee, specialty quality! In addition to our high-quality drinks, we are waiting ...

Forest House and Forest School in Erdőspuszta

Welcome! A warm welcome to our over a hundred year old farmhouse in the sandbucka countrys...