Bicycle stores, repair shops

If a bicycle chain has fallen off, a brake doesn't work or a gear-lever gets stuck, a number of specialist and repair shops provide help in solving the larger or smaller problems of "wiredonkeys".

Pizza E Pasta

Restaurant and pizzeria with the true Italian athmosphere right in the heart of Szeged!


Organic Brunch, specialty coffee and tea, dairy-free, gluten-free and vegan sweets! Contac...

Kata Guesthouse

In the downotwn of Szeged, a luxury guesthouse awaits it's guests.


Algyő is a settlement in Csongrád-Csanád county, only 10km from Szeged, on the right bank of ...

Kotor (Montenegro)

Agreement signed in 2001.

Nordic Walking

I'm Mária Kocsis, I've been teaching Nordic Walking since 2009, organizing tours, giving informa...

Alkimista Culinary Workshop

The Alkimista is currently the highest rated gourmet restaurant in the Southern Great Plain ...