SZIN – The Youth Festival of Szeged

Thousands of young people visit the summer-closing music festival which became a symbolic annual event in the town's life.

Travelling by bike

The bicycle is increasingly becoming a popular means of transport in Szeged. The city lies on completely flat terrain, with no significant gradients making cyclists' job difficult.

Tiszavirág Coffe-Brunch place

The café in the former hat saloon is open early in the morning for locals and hotel guests alike. You can start the day with our own roasted coffee, freshly made sandwiches and classic breakfast dishes.

Mátyás király tér

Szeged was one of the favorite towns of King Matthias Corvinus. In 1456 John of Capistrano led his ...

Blues Kert Pub and Restaurant

The restaurant with an outdoor barbecue area is situated in Újszeged, under the plane-trees of Fő fasor.

Attila József Education and Information Centre

The education and congress centre of the University of Szeged.

Arad Martyrs Square

In the centre of the square of irregular shape stands the nicely proportioned equestrian statue of Ferenc Rákóczi II.

Reök Palace

The architect Ede Magyar was thirty in 1907, when he constructed Reök Palace, an exemplary piece of Hungarian secession.

ÁRKÁD Szeged Shopping Center

ÁRKÁD Szeged Shopping Centre increases the charm of the city of Szeged.