Jobb Mint Otthon Restaurant

It is a favoured, high standard fish restaurant in Szeged, offering traditional Hungarian dishes.

Őrangyal Gastrohouse

The only vegetarian restaurant in Szeged!

Bike rental

Avid cycling fans do not need to give up the pleasure of exploring Szeged on two wheels if they do not own their own cycle.

Szent István Square and the Water Tower

A nicely created park and a curiosity in the history of industry, the country's first water tower made of reinforced concrete await visitors in Saint Steven Square.

Szent György square

Szent György tér (Saint George Square) at József Attila Avenue, received its name after an old ...

John Bull Pub

The restaurant evoking the atmosphere of the traditional Victorian age was opened in 1996 in the heart of the city. Besides following European traditions, it aims to keep up Hungarian traditions as well.


The settlement dating back to the Árpád Age was first recorded with the name Tapai in a document from 1138. It was a ferry crossing the Tisza that made Tápé known in the history of Hungary.

Hotel Mátrix**

You can easily walk to any of the sights from this downtown hotel, which has a very friendly athmosphere.

Sport Swimming Pool

The Sport Swimming Pool is located on the Újszeged district of the town, it's easily accessable with a ten-minutes walk from the downtown. The 50 m pool is open-air in summer time and topped throughout the winter. It provides a training and competitive area for various sports clubs. Everey day of the week the pool is opened for evening swimming.

Romantic riverview Bestern

Classic bourgeois apartment overlooking the Tisza, where modernity and soft elegance combine! ...

Wellness experience in Szeged

Relax in Szeged. Real wellness experience in the baths and hotels of Szeged.