Programs in autumn

With the arrival of autumn, we do not have to give up on excellent outdoor programs, as the city of ...

Fasor Restaurant and Cafe Semiramis

The recently restored restaurant, also popular with tourists, is located in a quiet, pleasant area of Újszeged.

Cukkini Restaurant

The Cukkini Restaurant opened its doors on May 21, 2008 in Szeged, on the first floor of the ...

Mátyás Panzió

Szegeden az Alsóvárosi Ferences Templom közelében, műemléki környezetben, csendes, nyugodt helyen található a megújult Mátyás Panzió.

Casa de la Luz

Located in the heart of Szeged's city centre, this family-friendly apartment can accommodate up ...

Liége (Belgium)

Agreement signed in 2001.

Discover Szeged in 24 hours!

Do you only have one day to visit Szeged? Here are some suggestions to make the most of your one-day stay here.

Art Nouveau attractions in Szeged

The present image of Szeged is defined by the constructions after the Great Flood in 1879, which ...

The Pantry of Szeged – the Market in Mars Square

This market has been receiving visitors for several decades, offering them the opportunity to not only purchase quality food but also to get acquainted with the habits and everyday life of the inhabitants of Szeged.

Béke Tanszék

It is a popular, legendary meeting point for students and teachers working in the neighbouring university buildings, a place where some of the fundamental questions of philosophy have already been answered with a glass of drink.

Timișoara (Romania)

Agreement signed in 1998.

Palma Superior Guesthouse

We opened the Superior building of our Palma Guesthouse in 2015, which is close to the city ...