Old Bridge Restaurant

The restaurant with a pleasant atmosphere, is located at the foot of Belvárosi bridge, and is richly decorated with everyday objects that could belong to our grandmothers.

Famous people from Szeged – Albert Szent-Györgyi

Albert Szent-Györgyi (1893-1986) is one of the most widely acclaimed Hungarian Nobel-prize winning scientists.

Széchenyi Square

The western walls of the castle built on the bank of the River Tisza in the 13th century were situated in the present Széchenyi Square...

Hotel Novotel****

Hotel Novotel is located on one of the most beautiful sites of the town, the bank of the river Tisza.


Szeged fizető parkolóhelyein munkanapokon 08:00 és 18:00 óra között, és szombaton 08:00 és 12:00 óra között (csak a Mars tér környezetében) kell várakozási díjat fizetni.

Dumpling Cottage Cheese Bar

If you ask anyone if they like cottage cheese dumplings, in nine cases out of ten the ...


Röszke is located 15 kms southwest of Szeged, between the backwater of Tisza at Algyő and the Serbian border.

Programs in autumn

With the arrival of autumn, we do not have to give up on excellent outdoor programs, as the city of ...

The Box Donut Szeged

Donuts have a thousand faces: they can be round or chip-shaped, hollow or glazed, filled or ...


Covering an area of 14 m2 it is the largest alkali lake in Hungary. In the first third of the 20th century it was turned into a system of fish ponds.

Bistorant Bistro Restaurant Winebar

The restaurant was opened on 13th December 2011. The bistro, just like its dishes, represents a youthful, fresh and plain style.

Dorozsma Rural House

The sights of Szeged include the Dorozsmai Country House and the Farmer's House. Szeged-Kiskundor...