Christina Guesthouse

Szeged, Hajnal u. 5.   +36- 70/625-3160 Prices:   ...

Ildikó Apartment House

The apartment house is located in New Szeged. The range of apartments are shops, restaurant, ...

Family friendly programme in Szeged

Discover what Szeged has in store for families!

Blues Kert Pub and Restaurant

The restaurant with an outdoor barbecue area is situated in Újszeged, under the plane-trees of Fő fasor.

Programs in autumn

With the arrival of autumn, we do not have to give up on excellent outdoor programs, as the city of ...

Aquarius Guesthouse

We provide accommodation for 16 guests in 6 non-smoking rooms with elegant interior design.

Subotica (Serbia)

Agreement signed first in 1966, then in 2004.

Dugonics Square

The square was named after the piarist priest and teacher András Dugonics, the writer of the first Hungarian novel (Etelka, 1788).


As for Mórahalom... A guest in the house is a pleasure in the house - so the saying goes. We, ...

Hungarikum Festival

Since 2008 for four days every August Széchenyi Square has been occupied by hungarikums (things that are distinctly Hungarian) and as many as six thousands visitors of the Hungarikum Festival offer Hungarian products of high quality.

Forza Italia Restaurant and Pizzeria

It awaits its guests with a Mediterranean style interior in Kálvária Sugárút, in the centre of Szeged.