Sándor Koch Mineral Collection

Sándor Koch Mineral Collection

The collection named after Professor Sándor Koch, a passionate researcher of mineralogy, and one-time head of the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology of the university in Szeged consists of two main parts. The 15 cases of the systematic collection exhibit 1156 specimens of 400 minerals. The fact that 80% of the specimens on display here were found in the Carpathian Basin makes the collection even more precious. Serving a didactic purpose, the exhibition shows the different rocks and minerals following a genetic system. The real “treasures” of the collection can be seen in the four glass-cases standing in the middle of the exhibit room and the overwhelming majority of the pieces from Sándor Koch’s private collection are displayed here too. The “Carpathian Basin Collection” with 1058 specimens represents almost all of the mining areas of the late Hungary before the Trianon Treaty in respect of mineralogy. The collection can be visited with prior bookings on weekdays all year offering professional guidance for those interested in the world of minerals.



The exhibition can be visited only on weekdays!

Prior arrangement is necessary (min. 3 days before the arrival) on the following email address: kiril@freemail.hu

6722 Szeged, Egyetem utca 2.