World Water Day in Szeged

World Water Day in Szeged

World Water Day at the water tower on Szent István Square

21-23 March 2025.

22 March is World Water Day worldwide. This occasion provides an excellent opportunity to raise awareness of water, the importance of conserving water resources and the importance of preserving water quality.

On Friday 21 March, from 9am to 4pm, admission is free, and on Saturday 22-23 March, from 10am to 4pm, from 10am to 4pm, a discounted admission ticket (1,000 HUF/person) is available.

Tickets can be purchased on site during opening hours by paying cash.

Season opener and World Water Day programme for families in the Wildlife Park

22 March 2025.

Educational programmes and games to celebrate World Water Day.

Spring renewal with herbs in the Botanic Garden

22 March 2025 14:00-15:30

Spring is a time of awakening, opening, renewal. How can we support our bodies to overcome the winter sluggishness and fatigue?
Less vitamin intake in winter, lack of sunshine and eating heavier foods leave their mark on the body. It’s a good time to help our renewal with herbs, exercise and a conscious diet.

The programme is open with a herb garden pass, but registration is required (E-mail: