Tímárház Guesthouse

The Tímárház guesthouse is located 500 m from the Tisza, in a nice and quet street.

Cirmi Artisan Gastropub

In 2015, a new-wave gastropub with unique equipment was opened. It is characterized by freshly ...

Szeged – Kiskundorozsma

The settlement, developed from fishermen's cottages, was first recorded in 1237 under the name Durusma.

Cat City Cafe

A cosy place where you can enjoy your coffee, tea, cookies, sandwiches in the company of ...


Szeged fizető parkolóhelyein munkanapokon 08:00 és 18:00 óra között, és szombaton 08:00 és 12:00 óra között (csak a Mars tér környezetében) kell várakozási díjat fizetni.

Family excursion in Szeged! In addition to the comfortable downtown accommodation, we offer fun and small for both adults and children.

Go this way – Experience Tours atop a Segway PT

Let's go full tear on dam in Szeged, or enjoy the modern technology and the historical old town's atmosphere encounter!

Park Hideaway Bestern

We welcome our guests to this apartment with two separate bedrooms! The main highlight of ...

Pálinka Festival

The city is still ruled by frost and those heading for the main square walk among heaps of snow when the small wooden houses of Pálinka Festival start to offer, sausages, puddings and other delicious foods as well as the soul-warming fruit pálinkas.