Hotel Novotel****

Hotel Novotel is located on one of the most beautiful sites of the town, the bank of the river Tisza.

Pula (Croatia)

Agreement signed in 2003.

See you in Szeged again!

After the Great Flood in Szeged, Franz Josef said: "Szeged will be more beautiful than it used to be" – the quote can be read on one of the stained glass windows of the City Hall. In recent days and weeks, Szeged has started to regain its Mediterranean atmosphere. More and more people are beginning to visit the terraces of restaurants and confectioneries operating in our eye-catching downtown mansions.

Tündérkonyha Restaurant

  The restaurant was opened in February 2007 in the heart of Szeged, on the site of the ...

Palma Superior Guesthouse

We opened the Superior building of our Palma Guesthouse in 2015, which is close to the city ...

Cathedral Restaurant and Café

The Cathedral Restaurant and Café is situated in a special location, next to the Szeged ...

Arad Martyrs Square

In the centre of the square of irregular shape stands the nicely proportioned equestrian statue of Ferenc Rákóczi II.

Maros backwater

The maros backwater was separated from the bend of river Maros in 1860 as part id the river-contolling operation. Now it is a more that 4 km long oxbow with a width of 10-15 m.