Subotica (Serbia)

Agreement signed first in 1966, then in 2004.

Sándor Koch Mineral Collection

The collection named after Professor Sándor Koch, a passionate researcher of mineralogy, and one-time head of the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology of the university in Szeged.


Algyő is a settlement in Csongrád-Csanád county, only 10km from Szeged, on the right bank of ...

Aréna Deluxe & Spa

Let us introduce Szeged’s newest uniqueness the Aréna Delux & Spa, which welcome it’s ...

University city life Bestern

With panoramic views of Dugonics Square, this modern apartment is tastefully furnished and ...

Arad Martyrs Square

In the centre of the square of irregular shape stands the nicely proportioned equestrian statue of Ferenc Rákóczi II.

ÁRKÁD Szeged Shopping Center

ÁRKÁD Szeged Shopping Centre increases the charm of the city of Szeged.

Dugonics Square

The square was named after the piarist priest and teacher András Dugonics, the writer of the first Hungarian novel (Etelka, 1788).

Saint Cafe & Wine

Saint Cafe, located on Szent István tér, next to the Old Lady, awaits its guests with a café ...

Tündérkert Cake and Pastry Workshop Confectionery

We await our dear guests with a tastefully furnished room, locally made handmade cakes, ...