Go this way – Experience Tours atop a Segway PT

Let's go full tear on dam in Szeged, or enjoy the modern technology and the historical old town's atmosphere encounter!

Bors Apartment

Our apartment is located in Szeged iconic building in late Art Nouveau notes with Pepper Palace tower room.

Old Synagogue

The nicely preserved monument built between 1837 and 843 was created by the Lipovszky brothers, Henrik and József.

Tisza Palota Apartments

Tisza Palota was built in Szeged in 2009. In the building there are flats, offices, and shops. Our garage is under the building, from where the flats can be reached by elevators.

Ultralux Magnolia city center Bestern

We welcome our guests in this apartment with two separate bedrooms, which is located in the ...

Sanzon Restaurant

The Sanzon Restaurant, located in the Art Hotel Szeged building, awaits its guests who desire ...

Pula (Croatia)

Agreement signed in 2003.

YetiSí Szeged – Skí lessons

Ski instruction on our plastic slopes, for all ages.

Upper Elementary Girls’ School (Tömörkény)

It is a late Art Nouveau, 2-storey building in whose facade, formed as an arched ridge, the stylish and moderate application of brick-facing and striped ornaments deserves our attention.

Famous people from Szeged – Albert Szent-Györgyi

Albert Szent-Györgyi (1893-1986) is one of the most widely acclaimed Hungarian Nobel-prize winning scientists.

Szent György square

Szent György tér (Saint George Square) at József Attila Avenue, received its name after an old ...

Balogh Guesthouse

Located in a friedly quiet downtown green area of Alsóváros.