Museums, Galleries 18 results

    Did you know that the Indians used hot peppers as tear gas and as a form of punishment? ...
  • Traditional Rural House Museum in Alsóváros

    The God’s Eye motive of the main altar in the Alsóvárosi Church (Lower Town Church), the radial lines, became recognizable ornaments of the houses in lower town.
  • Móra Ferenc Museum

    The most impressive product of the building fever of the millennium in Szeged is the Palace for Public Education built in neo-classicist style in 1896.
  • Sándor Koch Mineral Collection

    The collection named after Professor Sándor Koch, a passionate researcher of mineralogy, and one-time head of the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology of the university in Szeged.
  • Szent-Györgyi Albert Agóra

    The centre was opened in December 2012 with the aims of presenting the research results of the region in a simple and understandable way and directing children's attention to natural sciences.
  • Water Works Memorial

    The indoor exhibitions feature: Cubic exhibition Open-air exhibition: Ob...