90C Kisvendéglő

Opening hours: Mond - Fri: 10.00 - 22.00 Sun: closed Contacts: 6720 Szeged, Kelemen ...

Zöldlevelecske Saled bar

Nearly 20 types of salad from all over the world. You can also compile your own favorite! ...

Starbucks Cafe

Opening Hours: Mon - Sat: 8.00 - 20.00 Sun: 8.00 - 19.00 6724 Szeged, Londoni körút 3. ...

Christmas Season in Szeged

Szeged, the city of sunshine takes on its festive lights on 29 November and enchants visitors until 24 December.

Glattfelder Gyula square

Gyula Glattfelder was born in Budapest in 1874 in a rich, Swabian, industrialist family from ...

Széchenyi Square

The western walls of the castle built on the bank of the River Tisza in the 13th century were situated in the present Széchenyi Square...


Why did I choose Szeged? Because I'm impressed by its orderliness, its beautiful city centre, the refreshing Tisza riverbank, its cheerful atmosphere and the fact that the sun is always shining!


Szeged can be reached by road, rail, water as well as air.

Sport Swimming Pool

The Sport Swimming Pool is located on the Újszeged district of the town, it's easily accessable with a ten-minutes walk from the downtown. The 50 m pool is open-air in summer time and topped throughout the winter. It provides a training and competitive area for various sports clubs. Everey day of the week the pool is opened for evening swimming.

Duna Döner Szeged

We welcome all our guests with the typical flavours and special dishes of Turkish cuisine. From ...