Wellness experience in Szeged

Relax in Szeged. Real wellness experience in the baths and hotels of Szeged.

EZERJÓFŰ Herb Garden – Algyő

In Algyő, at 42 Kastélykert Street, the EZERJÓFŰ Herb and Medicinal Herb Garden awaits its ...

Toledo (Ohio, USA)

Agreement signed in 1990.

Sport Swimming Pool

The Sport Swimming Pool is located on the Újszeged district of the town, it's easily accessable with a ten-minutes walk from the downtown. The 50 m pool is open-air in summer time and topped throughout the winter. It provides a training and competitive area for various sports clubs. Everey day of the week the pool is opened for evening swimming.

Cathedral Restaurant and Café

The Cathedral Restaurant and Café is situated in a special location, next to the Szeged ...

Sanzon Restaurant

The Sanzon Restaurant, located in the Art Hotel Szeged building, awaits its guests who desire ...

Black House

The building standing at the corner of Somogyi and Kelemen Street is unique in its style, appearance and location.