Parks, Squares, Gardens, Rivers 20 results
  • Szent István Square and the Water Tower

    A nicely created park and a curiosity in the history of industry, the country's first water tower made of reinforced concrete await visitors in Saint Steven Square.
  • Lechner square

    It is a spacious, grassy square among low buildings, with the Saint Rosalie Greek Catholic chapel ...
  • Széchenyi Square

    The western walls of the castle built on the bank of the River Tisza in the 13th century were situated in the present Széchenyi Square...
  • Mátyás király tér

    Szeged was one of the favorite towns of King Matthias Corvinus. In 1456 John of Capistrano led his ...
  • Roosevelt tér

    In the XX. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Makai Market was held on Roosevelt Square, ...
  • Magyar Ede tér

    Ede Magyar (Ede Oszadszki) is the outstanding representative of Art Nouveau architecture in ...
  • Szent György square

    Szent György tér (Saint George Square) at József Attila Avenue, received its name after an old ...
  • Arad Martyrs Square

    In the centre of the square of irregular shape stands the nicely proportioned equestrian statue of Ferenc Rákóczi II.